perform dances 意味

  • 踊り[舞い]を興行{こうぎょう}する[披露{ひろう}する]、舞いを舞う、踊りを踊る


  1. seven oni perform dances , burning out various plagues with torches and cutting inauspicious matters off with swords .
    - 七匹の鬼が、たいまつで種々の災を焼き尽くし太刀で不吉を切り捨て、踊る
  2. " the origin of shirabyoshi is thought to have been when two women (shima no sensai and waka no mae ) started to perform dances dressed as men at some point during the reign of the retired emperor toba ."


        dances with wolves:    {映画} : ダンス?ウィズ?ウルブズ◆米1990《監督》ケヴィン?コスナー《出演》ケヴィン?コスナー《受賞》アカデミー作品賞、監督賞、脚色賞、撮影賞、作曲賞、録音賞 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 『ダンス?ウイズ?ウルブズ』
        design the dances:    振り付けをする
        yokagura dances:    夜神楽{よかぐら}
        heart dances for joy:    喜びのあまり心がおどる
        nenbutsu folk dances:    念仏踊り{ねんぶつおどり}
        roumanian folk dances:    ルーマニア民俗舞曲集{みんぞく ぶきょく しゅう}
        she dances alone:    {映画} : バラの刻印◆米?豪1981
        not perform:    休演する
        perform:     perform v. 行なう; 果たす; 演じる. 【副詞1】 Few drugs actually perform the wonders expected of them. 期待どおりの奇跡を実際に行なう薬はほとんどない The production model performed badly . そのプロダクションモデルはうまく働かなかった Each
        to perform:    to perform 成す なす 行う 行なう おこなう 遣る やる 上げる あげる 演ずる えんずる 施す ほどこす
        ability to perform:    《契約書》履行能力{りこう のうりょく}
        about to perform in:    《be ~》~で演奏{えんそう}する予定{よてい}だ
        come to perform:    come to perform 来演 らいえん
        failure to perform:    履行遅滞{りこう ちたい}
        impossible to perform:    遂行不可能{すいこう ふかのう}で、履行不可能{りこう ふかのう}で


  1. "perform conjuring tricks" 意味
  2. "perform corporate espionage" 意味
  3. "perform culinary miracles" 意味
  4. "perform daily activities of life" 意味
  5. "perform daily inspection and cleaning" 意味
  6. "perform dangerous operations" 意味
  7. "perform delicate surgery" 意味
  8. "perform desk-checking" 意味
  9. "perform different characters" 意味
  10. "perform daily activities of life" 意味
  11. "perform daily inspection and cleaning" 意味
  12. "perform dangerous operations" 意味
  13. "perform delicate surgery" 意味

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