- 踊り[舞い]を興行{こうぎょう}する[披露{ひろう}する]、舞いを舞う、踊りを踊る
perform dances 意味
- seven oni perform dances , burning out various plagues with torches and cutting inauspicious matters off with swords .
- 七匹の鬼が、たいまつで種々の災を焼き尽くし太刀で不吉を切り捨て、踊る - " the origin of shirabyoshi is thought to have been when two women (shima no sensai and waka no mae ) started to perform dances dressed as men at some point during the reign of the retired emperor toba ."
- "perform conjuring tricks" 意味
- "perform corporate espionage" 意味
- "perform culinary miracles" 意味
- "perform daily activities of life" 意味
- "perform daily inspection and cleaning" 意味
- "perform dangerous operations" 意味
- "perform delicate surgery" 意味
- "perform desk-checking" 意味
- "perform different characters" 意味
- "perform daily activities of life" 意味
- "perform daily inspection and cleaning" 意味
- "perform dangerous operations" 意味
- "perform delicate surgery" 意味